Videoconference – The frontiers of death: scientific and clinical research
Videoconference – The frontiers of death: scientific and clinical research
Reserve your place free of charge for the study day “The frontiers of death: scientific and clinical research“
No obligation to attend all conferences.
On December 3rd, 2021 from 9.00am to 9.30pm, CIERA will host a study day on “borders of death”. 100% online and free to join.
This day is organised in partnership with Université de Lorraine, Université de Strasbourg, Fonds médecine et Etat de conscience, Vertical Project Média and Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene (IGPP).
Renaud Evrard, Marianne Dollander, Nahm Michael, Andrieu Bernard, Berghmans Claude, Traversi Bruno and Enno Edzard Popkes will be among experts joining us.
Hosted by Nagib KARY
Organizing committee : Renaud Evrard, Miriam Gablier et Maryne Mutis.
Ariane Bazan (Pr en psychologie) : Euthanasia for mental suffering versus Schherazade.
Bernard Andrieu (Pr en philosophie) : The emersive death: The story of the dying body.
Paloma Burek (Clinical Psychologist) & Marianne Dollander ( Psychologist and lecturer in psychology) : Accompanying the clinician in a palliative care unit : extreme of clinic and theory of the field.
Marie Béatrice Carlier & Mathilde Van den Bogaert (Spiritual care) : Tools to detect and accompany existential and spiritual questions.
Michael Nahm (Dr en biologie) : Research into terminal / paradoxical lucidity: Current developments and a terminological clarification.
13h30 – 14h
Enno Edzard Popkes (Pr en théologie) : Near-death experiences and spiritual care in terminal care: Historical models and their signifiance for an ars moriendi.
14h – 14h30
Laure Rakez (PhD student in Anthropology) : Giving voice and body to the deceased: An anthropological approach to the liminal phases of mourning through mediumistic devices.
14h30 – 15h
Sara Piazza (Clinical psychologist, doctor in psychopathology ans psychonalysis) : Photographing the COVID dead in an Intensive Care Unit: From corpse to deceased.
15h – 15h30
15h30 – 16h
Elisa Cirelli (Psychodynamique student) : Near-death experiences: What if we forgot to listen?
16h – 16h30
Renaud Evrard (Clinical psychologist and doctor of psychology) : Transformations at the borders: From katapontismos to near-death experience.
16h45 – 17h15
Claude Berghmans (Psychologist) : Near-Death Experiences (NDE) and change: an increase in the importance of the spiritual dimension and a modification of the relationship to death.
17h15 – 17h45
Bruno Traversi (Doctor pf Philosophy of Science and pratitioner in medical hypnosis) :Mundus imaginalis on the borders of death.
19h30 – 20h
Thomas Rabeyron (Professeur en Psychologie) : Near Death Experiences Clinic: from agonistic experience to extreme forms of symbolization.
20h – 21h30
Discussion in french.
Reserve your place free of charge for the study day “The frontiers of death: scientific and clinical research“
No obligation to attend all conferences.